01.08.17Fully Devoted: Cultivating a Life of Gospel MissionSeries: Fully DevotedCategory: Gospel, grace, Faith, DevotedSpeaker: Lane HarrisonDescription: Christ-followers create a culture of gospel mission when they cultivate a life of full devotion to Jesus.Detail →
12.18.16Adore Him: Humble Obedience Series: Adore HimCategory: obedience, God's glory, endurance, Jesus, Christmas, Adore, HumilitySpeaker: Lane HarrisonDescription: Jesus is God's Savior worth of our adoration through humble obedience.Detail →
12.11.16Kingdom HarvestSeries: LOVECategory: missional, obedience, Gospel, God's glory, love, EvangelismSpeaker: Lane HarrisonDescription: Jesus sends His followers to labor for the harvest of His Kingdom and calls people to believe in Him. Detail →
12.04.16Living WaterSeries: LOVECategory: life, love, grace, JesusSpeaker: Lane HarrisonDescription: Jesus sources a spring of eternal life within us when we believe in Him.Detail →
11.20.16He Must IncreaseSeries: LOVECategory: Gospel, love, grace, Faith, JesusSpeaker: Lane HarrisonDescription: Jesus Christ is worthy of our all and calls us to decrease that He might increase. Detail →
11.13.16God So LovedSeries: LOVECategory: God's glory, forgiveness, love, JesusSpeaker: Lane HarrisonDescription: God saves people from sin’s condemnation because He loves and wants all to walk in His light for His glory.Detail →
11.06.16Born From AboveSeries: LOVECategory: Gospel, God's glory, Salvation, JesusSpeaker: Lane HarrisonDescription: Christians are born from above by believing in Jesus as God’s salvation.Detail →
10.30.16True BeliefSeries: LOVECategory: Gospel, grace, Salvation, Faith, JesusSpeaker: Lane HarrisonDescription: Jesus entrusts Himself to those who truly believe in Him as the Christ of God.Detail →
10.23.16Cleaning HouseSeries: LOVECategory: obedience, holiness, heart, church, forgiveness, love, JesusSpeaker: Lane HarrisonDescription: Jesus reveals God’s work in salvation that we might know it’s all about Him.Detail →
10.16.16Water to WineSeries: LOVECategory: love, Spiritual Growth, grace, Faith, JesusSpeaker: Lane HarrisonDescription: Jesus reveals God's glory that we might believe and follow him.Detail →