10.09.16The Call of a Real Christ-Follower (pt. 2)Series: LOVECategory: Christ-follower IdentitySpeaker: Lane HarrisonDescription: The call of Christ leads people to become His followers and make more Christ-followers. John 1:40-51Detail →
10.02.16The Call of a Real Christ-Follower (pt 1)Series: LOVECategory: love, Christ-follower Identity, Jesus, BaptismSpeaker: Lane HarrisonDescription: The call of Christ leads people to become His followers and make more Christ-followers.Detail →
09.25.16Jesus is the ChristSeries: LOVECategory: love, grace, Salvation, JesusSpeaker: Lane HarrisonDescription: Jesus is the Christ, sent from God as Savior of the world.Detail →
09.18.16Love: Good News to Believe in Jesus for Eternal LifeSeries: LOVECategory: Gospel, forgiveness, love, grace, FaithDescription: Jesus is God's love for all to believe and receive eternal life.Detail →
09.11.16Walk in Peace (pt 2)Series: Made NewCategory: Christ-follower Identity, Made New, PeaceSpeaker: Lane HarrisonDescription: Christ-followers are made new by Jesus to walk in God's peace. Detail →
09.04.16Walk in Peace (pt 1)Series: Made NewCategory: Discipleship, Christ-follower Identity, Made New, Peace, WalkSpeaker: Lane HarrisonDescription: Christ-followers are made new by Jesus to walk in God's peace.Detail →
08.28.16Live in LoveSeries: Made NewCategory: love, Servant, WorshiperSpeaker: Lane HarrisonDescription: Christ-followers are made new to live in God's love.Detail →
08.21.16Made NewSeries: LOVECategory: Gospel, grace, Salvation, FaithSpeaker: Lane HarrisonDescription: Jesus makes people new to live as Christ-followers.Detail →
08.14.16Love; because He first loved usSeries: LOVECategory: Gospel, love, Spiritual GrowthSpeaker: Lane HarrisonDescription: Love; because He first loved us.Detail →
08.07.16A Living SacrificeSeries: Stand Alone SermonsCategory: obedience, Gospel, endurance, DiscipleshipSpeaker: Lane HarrisonDescription: Christians glorify God as a living sacrifice when we live as faithful stewards.Detail →